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viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

carta a Jennifer

 Hi Jennifer:

I'm from the South of Spain and my name is Jose de la Victoria and I am a fan and lover of the hoya carnosa (wax plant).

I have a hoya carnosa. It is 23 years old.

I have read your article “Plant palette” that I found very, very interesting.

I want to talk you about a very particular cutting. I began to root this cutting in Spring
of 2010 and the following year it presented two new stms and 16 incipients peduncles.

So I disagree with those who say that this plant takes several years to bloom.

I do not speak English very well and I will be very concise.

Mediterraneam climate:


Some of them.

Outside. Outdoors and under cover. Prevent and protect from the North cold wind.
Facing the East to receive the direct sun rays of dawn (sunrise).
Small pot.
Fertilizer in spring/summer.
Foliar fertilizer twice a day, sunrise and sunset (20%  what the manufacturer recommended fertilizer for flowering plants). This is very important.

Some Links:
You can use google translator, thanks.
My blogs:

Pelase to meet you.
Best Regards.

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